#WEverb11 – Choose:
What was the biggest choice you made in 2011? What caused you to choose what you chose?
This was a hard topic to think about, but ultimately I would say deciding we were ready to become parents was probably our biggest choice. Originally we were going to wait one more year but when we were in Maine for vacation this summer, I kept seeing all the families on the beach and something just clicked. I don’t think you’re ever completely “ready”, but we’re in a really good place now and it feels right.
#WEverb11 – Appreciate:
Appreciate. In which moment did you find yourself flooded with gratitude? How will you rally around gratitude in 2012?
I wrote about this in my Thoughts post already, but when someone close to you or not even that close to you passes away, it always makes you more thankful for what you have. I’m really trying to change my outlook on this for 2012, so it doesn’t take the idea of death to make me appreciate what I do have and how lucky I am.
#WEverb11 – Create:
Share a creative project you undertook this year (art, writing, DIY, cooking, home decoration, crafts, photography … whatever comes to mind). How do you use your creativity to express yourself?
This was a little hard to narrow down, since this year I worked on many more craft projects compared to previous years! I definitely explored a lot more and got more into cooking and baking more so than I have before. I still enjoy scrapbooking and anything to do with paper crafts the most, though. When I’m searching for a gift for someone, I often think to myself “can I make this and will it look better?” before I buy something – I love making homemade gifts now. Here’s some of my favorite projects from this past year:
Baby Onesie Cupcakes

I adored making these and they were a huge hit!
Fruit Slice Jell-o Shots
These were not that hard to make (just time consuming), and they were SO YUMMY! Perfect for a summer party or BBQ.
Hula Bear Cake & Cupcakes
I had been dying to make this cake since I saw the inspiration pic a couple summers ago. Such a cute idea to dress up a cake.
Wedding Subway Art
New art for our bedroom – it was an easy way to capture all the good memories of our wedding. And it also inspired me to finally open up my own Etsy shop!