You’re probably sick of all the “Weeks” posts, but now I’m officially done with all my saved drafts, so I am actually 13 weeks today. Last Friday we had our second ultrasound and it was amazing! Definitely feeling more real now. The technician was trying to get measurements of the back of Baby C’s head and Baby C refused to cooperate. It was a good thing, though, because we got to watch Baby C for a good 20 minutes on the screen. I still can’t get over how quickly a baby grows in such a short period of time. Baby C was moving its arms up and down and definitely squirming in there, but was being very stubborn to turn how the technician needed. The stubbornness really made me think it was a boy for some reason, probably because Hubby tends to be very stubborn. But then of course he said the same thing about me :) And look at the difference between 6 weeks to 12 weeks:

6 weeks, 6 days – 10/31/11 – It’s a blob!
12 weeks, 3 days – 12/9/11 – It’s a baby!
How far along?: 13 weeks Baby is the size of a: peach! Total weight gain/loss: +5 to 7 pound range The Bump: Still in the awkward stage Symptoms: Tiredness has gotten better but dizziness has seemed to replace it. We went to Hubby’s work party on Saturday and we were standing for most of the night around cocktail tables and I got very dizzy twice – the second time I had to sit down immediately or else I would have blacked out. Luckily I was okay as soon as I sat down, but it was a little scary. Food Cravings: Sweets…damn Christmas cookies. Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope Sleep: Much better this week, yay! What I miss: Blue cheese…there was a pasta station at the work party and I had to stay away from the blue cheese crumbles. Weddings Rings On or Off: On Any Names Picked Out Yet: Since I have such a strong feeling it’s a boy, I started looking at boys names again in my book a couple nights ago…I think we may have a name we both like - WOW! Movement: N/A Maternity Clothes: Bought a ton of stuff this past weekend - Old Navy was having a great sale. And I bought some work maternity pants at Target - I LOVE THEM. I think I’ll be doing a mix of maternity with non-maternity stuff the next few weeks. I don’t have a lot of long-sleeve shirts to begin with, so I picked some maternity ones up also at Target and those fit me now (which makes me wonder if they’ll fit all the way into the third trimester? Oh well). The Old Navy ones look silly without a bigger bump so I’m saving those. Labor Signs: N/A Best Moment of the Week: Announcing it on Facebook and here on my blog! So good to finally not have a secret anymore. What I’m excited about/looking forward to: seeing my bump grow…I can totally tell the difference between last week and this week:
And this is what I wore to work yesterday (so I was technically 12 weeks, 6 days but close enough):

When I put that gray sweater on in the AM, I did a double-take in the mirror. Not like my stomach was flat to begin with, but it’s a huge change compared to the last time I wore this sweater! And once again…LOVE maternity pants! Yes, some of my regular pants still fit, but the stretchy panel is fabulous so why not start wearing them early?

Love the recaps but I'm glad you're caught up! :) I think you definitely have a cute little bump now!