Woooo I think my energy is back! I was pretty tired over the weekend but today I am feeling gooooood! So good in fact, that I was able to walk on the treadmill for 40 minutes. Definitely didn’t push myself, but it feels amazing to have been able to work out again. Major success right there. Let’s hope this isn’t just a one day thing and I’m officially over the tiredness from the first trimester.
How far along?: 15 weeks Baby is the size of a: navel orange Total weight gain/loss: +8 to 10 pound range The Bump: Feeling bigger and bloated…but still not a very noticeable bump Symptoms: A new, weird one - constant stuffy and/or runny nose. I saw this is a legit symptom on a couple different websites but I don’t get why it happens? Food Cravings: Mexican…tried Chipotle for the first time today and I’m a fan Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope Sleep: Eh…on and off okay. What I miss: Wearing some of my tighter clothes…some of my shirts are just not flattering anymore and don’t flaunt the extra tummy roundness in a good way Weddings Rings On or Off: On Any Names Picked Out Yet: No new ones picked out Movement: N/A Maternity Clothes: Still doing maternity pants or leggings every day. Bought some maternity tanks at JCPenney and they fit much better than my regular shelf bra ones from Gap…more room in the bust area and they’re longer so they’re great for layering. And best part – on sale for $8 a piece, can’t beat that! Labor Signs: N/A Best Moment of the Week: Opening some presents for Baby C this past Christmas weekend! Baby C received a few essentials, as well as an adorable little white terry cloth robe, some Red Sox socks, and a teddy bear. And a new camcorder so we can make videos for the grandparents :) What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Decorating the nursery – I’m hoping I’ll have time to start clearing out my stuff in the spare room this weekend so we can move the crib to where it should be. 
So I decided it was time to switch shirts to an actual maternity one – it looks like I have no bump again! Sigh. Below is what I wore to work today:

So glad things are going well for you! Congratulations!